Museum & Cultural Center

A unique Jugendstil villa located in the heart of Blaustein-Herrlingen.

Here, you will find the Museum BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES” [LEBENSLINIEN], a venue for a variety of cultural events and facilities for your festivities.

The Villa Lindenhof – a cultural center for Blaustein

The Villa Lindenhof, which is a classified historical monument, is an Art Nouveau manor house that was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Munich architect Richard Riemerschmid as a summer resort for the industrialist Max Robert Wieland. Located in Blaustein-Herrlingen, the Villa Lindenhof is intended to become a new cultural center for the city of Blaustein.


The villa houses the newly designed Museum “BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES [LEBENSLINIEN] – Historical Personages in Herrlingen” that opened in November 2019.

Cultural events

The villa also serves as a venue for a variety of selected cultural events, including readings, lectures, exhibitions, and small concerts. The surrounding park grounds are used regularly as an event platform.

SKAN – Northern Melodies

Findet wetterbedingt in der Aula der Lindenhofschule statt. Tickets sind noch an der Abendkasse erhältlich (ab 19 Uhr)   SKAN - das ist die erste Silbe des Wortes Skandinavien. Und …

€16 – €18
Find out more
Villa Lindenhof, Blaustein-Herrlingen, Lindenhof 2
89134 Blaustein, 89134 Deutschland
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Offene Museumsführung durch das Museum Lebenslinien

Sie kennen das Museum Lebenslinien in der Jugendstilvilla Lindenhof noch nicht? Dann schließen Sie sich gerne unserer 30-minütigen öffentlichen Führung am Sonntag, 4. August um 15 Uhr an. Von einer/m …

Find out more
Museum Lebenslinien, Villa Lindenhof, Lindenhof 2
Blaustein, 89134
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Weiße Tafel im Lindenhofpark

Im wunderschönen Ambiente des Lindenhofparks an einer langen Tafel oder auf der eigenen Picknickdecke mit Freunden, Bekannten, Nachbarn schöne Stunden verbringen - mit neuen Menschen ins Gespräch kommen - selber …

Find out more
Lindenhofpark, Villa Lindenhof, Lindenhofpark
Blaustein-Herrlingen, Baden-Württemberg 89134 Deutschland
Google Karte anzeigen


Historical personalities in Herrlingen

  • Max R. Wieland (1867-1935)
  • Richard Riemerschmid (1868-1957)
  • Gertrud Kantorowicz (1876-1945)
  • Claire Weimersheimer (1883-1963)
  • Anna Essinger (1879-1960)
  • Käthe Hamburg (1893-1951)
  • Hugo Rosenthal (1887-1980)
  • Jüdisches Altersheim (1939-1942)
  • Erwin Rommel (1891-1944)
  • Gruppe 47, 2. Treffen 7.-9. November 1947
A unique Jugendstil ensemble

Together with its adjoining buildings and park grounds, the Villa Lindenhof is a singular holistic work of art thoroughly planned down to the last detail.

10 historical personalities

Immerse yourself at the newly designed Museum LEBENSLINIEN in the biographies of extremely contrasting personalities, who lived and were active in Herrlingen during the turbulent history of first half of the last century.

Culture up close
up close

Experience diverse cultural events in the cozy living room setting of the Villa Lindenhof or in the idyllic park against the backdrop of the impressively beautiful Jugendstil scenery.

Some impressions of the Villa Lindenhof

5 steps to obtaining the right reply

Questions regarding guided tours of the museum, ticket reservations, or inquiries about reserving the facilities for festivities and weddings or wedding receptions?
Please use the contact options below to obtain the appropriate reply.

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